About Ora

Yogi & Owner of Wagging Tail Yoga Studio

Vision + Practice

Wagging Tail Studio embraces each student’s level with personal attention.

Ora Ramat’s teaching style combines Vinyasa Flow with somatic sound and breath work to access a deeper yoga experience, striving to inspire her students to tune into the subtleties of their own yoga practice.

Certified Yoga Instructor + Level 1 Reiki Practitioner

Ora Ramat, a certified yoga instructor, has been teaching yoga since 2003.

Ora completed a year-long anatomy and breath work course taught by Leslie Kaminoff. She continually hones her craft by taking seminars and trainings with various teachers; including Judith Lasater, Shiva Rea, Dharma Mittra, Cindy Lee, and Rodney Yee.

Group + Individual Instruction

Ora Ramat was a yoga instructor at the Abraham Joshua Heschel High School, the Ramaz High School, and the Spence High School in Manhattan. She taught yoga to the high school students, varsity sports teams, and faculty members at the schools.

She hosts periodic weekends of Yoga & Wellness retreats and workshops with master classes taught by internationally recognized teachers. Ora has cohosted retreats with Molly Fox, Paul Dallaghan, Lisa Matkin, Nixa De Bellis, and Mary Aranas. Ora has co-led 14 Yoga Retreats to date…with more to come!

Ora also teaches private yoga sessions in Manhattan. Her students range in age from 25 to 95. Sessions are uniquely tailored to each student's needs. Ora believes in the therapeutic effect of yoga and the benefits that her students reap from practicing yoga. As a teacher, Ora is inspired daily by her students' journey towards self-awareness.

Ora Ramat with partner in a flying pose

In the Media

Ora Ramat is showcased as one of 108 different yogis from the New York City area who embody the diversity and inclusiveness that the yoga practice cultivates in some of the most iconic NYC locations.

My Yoga. My City, July 2020

Visit myyogamycity.com

My Yoga. My CIty. book of 108 Yogis

Ramat witnesses remarkable, everyday mastery in her students through adapted poses. “Many of my students are 40 to 95 years young, and the range of modification I do with them is endless,” explains Ramat, who underscores the importance of listening to one’s body.

Natural Awakenings, August 2020

Natural Awakenings Magazine

“You need some Ora in your life!…She intuitively understands what each person needs most and responds with an individually tailored yoga program.”

— Flavia


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